Sunday, September 26, 2010

September 25 (Saturday)

Still catching up!! :o)

Saturday morning, Monica and I were going to go into town and shop around; however, when I went downstairs after hearing that she and Sergio were home, she told me she had to leave for her meeting in Tuscany earlier than expected (it takes 4 hours by car to get there). I still wanted to go to town, so I took off on foot ... She gave me an umbrella because it had been raining earlier and told me, "Don't talk to strangers!" :o) I couldn't make any promises with that one.

It drizzled a little, but soon I was able to put the umbrella away because the Lord brought the sun out just for my walk :o) I went in and out of a few shops looking for gifts and a few items I needed to pick up. I like paying with Euros ... They have pretty paper money! The grocery store I went into was small, but had just about everything I could think to need ... except peanut butter!! :oP Monica said they do not have peanut butter in Italy ... Noooooo! haha

When I got back from town, Sergio had already set the table for lunch and went to get the girls from school. I grabbed my book and went onto the pattio to read. The family arrived and Greta came outside with her drawing board and we proceeded to have English/Italian lessons. It was so great!! She initiated the activity for us :o) We had a wonderful lunch ... Pasta, of course!

After lunch, Sergio's parents brought wood to store for the winter months. I had a chance to sit in my room, listen to music and just relax (the rain from the morning had returned ... So thankful for the sun I got during my walk!). Later in the afternoon, Sergio, the girls, and I went into town to run a few errands. We went to Sergio's Aunt Maria's apartment, then we went to his parent's apartment where I played an Italian card game with the girls that I did not understand, but gave my best effort ;o) Luckily, they knew another card game translated to "Black Man" in English ... It is what we call Old Maid. I was the Black Man.

We went for a quick dinner at a pizza parlor, then rushed to the cinema. The family gets in free for any movie they want to see because Monica worked for the company that built the theater. They chose an Italian film ... hmmm, quite inappropriate for the girls and other children I saw in the theater. It was actually inappropriate for every person in the theater to see. Not quite sure the rating.

When we returned to the house, Monica was still not home from her meeting. I got on skype and talked with Mom, Callie, and Tristan :o) Great way to end the evening!!

God has been gracious to grant me an opportunity to experience Italy with this family. I'm thankful for their hospitality and taking me with them on family outings :o) ... I'll ask what film we are going to see before we leave the house in the future lol

What I learned:
Children are not required by law to wear their seatbelts in the back. Not so safe with the aggresive Italian driving on the road.

Grace and peace,

1 comment:

  1. Rofl -- about not having any peanut butter, I know you must be devistated. Lol so I got skype on my phone but apparently I need the new iPhone bc Becca nance and I tried to skype last night and it didn't work with just the 3g. So next big buy will have to be a web cam, I'll start saving Now. Lol I look forward to reeding your posts everday. We love you! Praying for you always!! And Caden told me tonight that he misses aunt Jodi. :)
