Monday, September 27, 2010

bicycles, music, and sunshine!!

This morning, I was bound and determined to get up and get out. The alarm went off, and I didn't move because I still wanted to sleep. Looking out the window I saw the sun; I had to get out to enjoy the weather!

I grabbed a quick breakfast, and packed a peanut butter sandwich and apple for lunch somewhere along the beach. Out the door I went, but not before battling with both the alarm and garage. I'm slowing understanding how to set the alarm and this morning was the first time I got the bike out of the garage by myself. Success!!

Instead of the intimidating hill I would usually use to get to town, I took a different road Monica had shown me. Not as challenging :oP

I rode and rode and rode that bike all morning :o) It was fantastic!! I peddled that bicycle up and down the bike path along the beach, enjoying the sun on my face and the cool breeze blowing through my hair. I stopped at one point to sit along the water, listening to the waves come in and out. I recorded a little bit so I could bring it back with me :o) I rode the bike into another part of town I had never been. I saw so many things!! Men wore their speedos, women walked their dogs, friends met for lunch at a restaurant overlooking the sea, and others enjoyed walks, jogs, and bike riding like me. There is a pier that reaches quite a ways into the sea. Some people walk out onto the large rocks to get closer to the water to fish or just sit. I climbed out myself to sit and read.

Later in the afternoon, I found a bench and sat to eat my lunch. Then I read again. I continued to ride throughout the city, back through more familiar parts :o) When I made it back home, I was greeted by Greta's "Hello!" I was out of breath from walking myself and the bike up the hill, but was so excited to see her, as well as Monica and Nicole. They had finished lunch, and the girls were working on their homework. After homework, I worked with Nicole on a website that had English flashcards ... She is a smart girl! Nicole had volleyball and Greta invited a friend over to play, so we took off to town.

We went grocery shopping while in town ... There are so many different cheeses!! Haha! Monica filled up our basket with so many great things, fresh fruit, veggies, yogurt, cheese, and bread. One of the neatest things I saw at the grocery store was this machine that printed barcodes for produce customers select for purchase. There are numbers for each vegetable and fruit in the store. When you bag what you want to buy, you take it to the scale, push the number of produce you have in the bag ... The machine weighs and prints a sticker for you with the item, cost, and barcode. Greta and her friend, Georgia, were a big help with this task :o)

Tonight, I stayed home with Greta and Georgia while Monica went to her spinning class. The girls played with dolls, watched a video, and colored, so without need to entertain, I spent the evening reading! When Monica and Nicole got home, we had dinner. I'm not sure what she called it, but it had meat and beans (great flavor!!) with green beans and potatos as a side.

Today was a wonderful day! I enjoy getting out and seeing things on my own, but really enjoy the time I get to spend doing every day things with the family. I also got a used phone with a prepaid card so I can be in touch with Monica throughout the day. It will be useful when she is out running errands and I am not at the house and informed :o)

I was thinking about the adventure I had today and wanting to continue to have adventures. There are many places in Italy I would like to visit, but not sure about the cost of traveling and the journey on my own ... I'm in prayer about how I will spend the next few months here. I'm as happy as a pig in mud to be spending this time in such a beautiful city! The things to come are exciting! Thank you for sharing this with me and taking the time to read the silly things I write :oP LoL

Grace and peace,

1 comment:

  1. love to read the silly things you write!...sounds like another wonderful day in Italy. you are so lucky!
