Saturday, September 25, 2010

La Questura ...

September 24

In the morning, I went with Monica to the questura ... police station. We were told we needed to make a declaration of presence and declaration of hospitality. For some strange reason, I completely bipassed customs at the airport. I just followed the rest of the passengers to the baggage claim area. There was nothing that I saw I needed to go through. At first I thought I would go through some kind of check point after I got my bag, but leaving without my bag I went straight outside and saw Monica. So, I guess I snuck in Italy :oD Now they found me out! haha

When we got back to the house, Monica took off again for her spinning class and I stayed home and read. She came back afterwards and we left to pick up Nicole for volleyball practice. I ran into a familiar face at the gym!! Tatiana (I believe I've been getting her name wrong lol, I thought it was Judita) was there to take her daughter, Victoria. While Nicole was playing volleyball, we went to a shop in town to buy a gift for a child. There were so many cute little clothes!! So stylish :o) Must be why I get strange looks walking down the street ... Italians have style, of which I am lacking.

Sergio made it home from his week of working in Bari, which is south of San Benedetto. It was great meeting him and the girls were glad he was home! Monica and Sergio had dinner plans with people from Monica's work, so the girls and I stayed home. Sergio's mother came over because the girls are not too comfortable staying home alone with me for fear they may need something and wouldn't be able to communicate it to me. We had hamburgers, green peas, and chips (french fries). Monica asked why we called them french fries, and I said I had no idea :o) When Monica and Sergio left, I played Monopoli (in Italian) with Greta while Nicole watched Camp Rock 2 (in Italian, but the songs were in English!! lol). Greta beat me both times ... She doesn't quite understand concepts of money, so I got ripped off ;o)

While playing Monopoli, I got on skype and talked with Kaci, Chelsea, and Carlee!!! It was sooooo great to see their faces!! They asked for a tour of the house, so I took my computer around and explained everything, but I lost signal on the top floor so they didn't get to see my room ... I'll have to take pictures. I told them to call Tristan and tell him to get near a computer! I got to talk with him last night too :oD What a blessing to have skype over here!! I kept losing signal with Megan, but we will try again at a later time :o)

If you have skype, search my name and add me as a contact so we can talk!!

Thank you for all your prayers!! Getting out and about helps, because just sitting around leaves too much time for thinking about how alone I am over here. Hoping for more days of sun instead of rain so I can continue to ride Monica's bicycle down to the beach.

What I've learned:
There are two toilets in all bathrooms in this house. I only know how to work one. To flush it, there are two buttons above it on the wall (Not quite sure the difference between the two, so I randomly choose which one to push each time lol). The other toilet is not a urinal ... It's one used to clean down there, and I can't remember what she called it. Haven't attempted ... Kind of intimidating.

Grace and peace,
Jodi B


  1. I added you on skpye! May his peace and presence be with you... you are amazing!
    Heather M

  2. Sounds like a great eventful day, lol about the monoply game. I need to get skype so I can see you bc I miss you! Loved all your pictures. Praying for you on this journey. Love you!

  3. Bahaha thats hilarious about the toilet cleaning thing!! Sad face that we kept losing signal but I have faith it will work wonderfuly next time!! I love you so much Jodi Bug and love hearing about all your adventures and stories!! Praying always!

  4. Hey Jodi!!! Glad you're doing well over there! I think one of the toilet buttons is a hard flush and the other a soft flush! Can't be certain though! Love reading your posts - keep it up! Amy is doing very well and is 23 weeks along today! We will talk to you soon!

    Kevin and Amy
