Sunday, September 26, 2010

beautiful day with the family

Today was such a beautiful day outside ... The sun was out, there was a cool breeze, and no rain in sight.

This morning, Monica woke me up and asked if I wanted to have breakfast with them ... I had slept through my 9:00 alarm, because I thought we were going to church at 10:00. I told Monica I would be right down, and I rushed to get dressed, fix my hair, and get some make-up on I have been avoiding for the past week :oP

When I came downstairs, the family was still in their p.j.'s haha! They had things out on the table for breakfast, mostly crackers and bread with marmalade, nutella, and ... PEANUT BUTTER!! Yesterday at the meeting in Tuscany, Monica talked with someone who had peanut butter and they gave it to her!! It's a small jar (not like the huge amounts we have in the United States lol), but it's peanut butter :oD I was so excited this morning, and Monica said we should be able to find it somewhere.

After breakfast, we made a few stops ... One along the beach and one to pick up tortellini for lunch. Then it was off to church! The service had already started when we arrived. I took in the atmosphere and faces of those around me. Since I didn't understand what was being said, I did a lot of people watching. There was a lot of reading off something and then the congregation would recite what seemed like they have all memorized. There was little expression among the faces I saw, except that of remorse ... There was little joy in the sanctuary. When it was time for communion (we watched the priest take communion and then some of the leaders had bread disks ... styrophome ... for the congregation), I saw Sergio go up, but Monica stayed seated. She asked if I took communion in our church, and I said yes. I asked why she was not going up and she told me it was because it has been a long time since she has confessed. I told her she doesn't need to confess to a priest to be able to take communion, and I tried to explain that in our church we repent from our sins to God and communion is for all believers. She said she liked our beliefs better and we got up together to take communion. I can't wait to share more with her. I want to share how much joy one can have in the Lord!! Pray for opportunities!!

When we got home, Sergio and Monica made lunch. The rest of the afternoon was spent doing work around the house. I took the opportunity to walk around the neighborhood in the beautiful weather and soak up the sun rays :o) There was also time spent reading on the porch. We went again to the cinema ... Sergio took the girls to see Cats and Dogs, and Monica and I saw Eat, Pray, Love (in Italian lol). From what I could understand, which was minimum, I liked the film. It was awesome seeing places in Rome that I have been :oD As I sat through the movie, especially the parts where she was in Italy, God put on my heart that I should really start taking in the moments I have here. It's still surreal that I'm in Italy ... Instead of wishing for time to fly by, I'm going to take the time I'm given to truly live!! Seeing the film was good for me today :o) ... Great way to celebrate my first week in Italy!!

Afterwards, we walked in a part of the city I have never been. The girls got some pizza. We met up with Monica's boss, Marco, and another woman from work, who was celebrating her 50th birthday. It was an opportunity for good conversation :o)

What I learned today:
There is peanut butter somewhere in Italy!! :oD
If you buy fish, buy it on Tuesday or Friday ... That's when the boats come back into the harbor and it is fresh.

Sorry for two posts in one day :oP I wanted to get caught up ... hopefully not to fall behind again lol

Grace and peace,


  1. Woowho for peanut butter. :) and man what a witness you can be for Monica, I know God is going to use you in great ways to show this family the love of Jesus. Enjoy your time, live it up!! Love and prayers. Miss you more than you know ESP your smile, and laugh, haha.

  2. This brought tears to my eyes! What a neat thing you shared with Monica, and for her to accept it. You're really going to make a difference in their lives and others over there. So proud of you, sweetheart.

  3. That is so cool about Monica and the communion!! Gave me chills!! You are going to make such an impact and you already are! Love you!
