Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Here we go!!

This morning I woke up super early!! 7:00 a.m. and I couldn't go back to sleep. So I got up and said goodbye to Monica and the girls as they left for work and school. I made a cappuccino and then breakfast, and pulled up some English lesson ideas for the girls. (I don't like cappuccinos, definitely for sure about that one lol)

Since it was Tuesday, the open market was set up in the city ... I walked down to see what I could see :o) Vendor after vendor were selling so many purses, jewelry, bags, and clothes! A few things caught my eye ... I don't have any euros with me because I'm waiting to do the exchange when Sergio goes to Rome, but I will be going back to the market on Friday :o)

A very big hill + one hungry gal = not a fun walk :oP But I made it! I was alone for lunch today, so I grilled some veggies and gathered up some leftovers. I thought it was a great lunch!! I read A Thousand Splendid Suns during and after lunch. Almost done!! Instead of finishing the book, I listened to a sermon on iTunes (in English) ... Tommy Nelson has a series on the Song of Solomon (listen to it!!). It was a great time in the Word! About that time Monica came home. We shared about our days, ate some apples, drank coffee, and got ready for an evening of running around here and there.

Our first stop was a neighbor up the street, Rosita ... She is such a sweet lady!! She has two boys around the same age as Nicole and Greta. She was very persistent about me eating something (I took a sweet roll with Nutella), said I was thin. Haha! She wants me to come over once a week to eat dinner with her family and practice speaking English. Cool beans!!

Then Monica and I went to the library :oD I got a card and chose a book from the small list of available English books ... The Lord of the Rings by J.R.R. Tolkien is my first choice. It's a large book. Next, we went to the community college to see if there were any classes I might be interested in taking ... Intro to Italian, sewing, pottery making, yoga, and many more. The problem is the cost can't be cut even though I would only be able to make the class for half the time it is offered. Then we were off to the inside pool to get a membership for the girls, pharmacy, curtain store, and then to Monica's mom's house for dinner. It was so fun being there with her family ... Not all of them, just her mom, brother, sister-in-law and their two kids (8 month old Angelica is soooo cute ... she doesn't crawl, she scoots sitting up!! lol) and of course Nicole and Greta. The meal was wonderful ... Yes, Momma, I ate my veggies :o) Even the cooked spinach. We spent the rest of the evening watching soccer games and Angelica. With a little more help, I think she will understand the crawling thing.

What a full and blessed day!!! I'm so glad I was up and about early and got so many things accomplished ... It's great to feel productive :o)

Thank you for your prayers!!

Grace and peace,

Monday, September 27, 2010

bicycles, music, and sunshine!!

This morning, I was bound and determined to get up and get out. The alarm went off, and I didn't move because I still wanted to sleep. Looking out the window I saw the sun; I had to get out to enjoy the weather!

I grabbed a quick breakfast, and packed a peanut butter sandwich and apple for lunch somewhere along the beach. Out the door I went, but not before battling with both the alarm and garage. I'm slowing understanding how to set the alarm and this morning was the first time I got the bike out of the garage by myself. Success!!

Instead of the intimidating hill I would usually use to get to town, I took a different road Monica had shown me. Not as challenging :oP

I rode and rode and rode that bike all morning :o) It was fantastic!! I peddled that bicycle up and down the bike path along the beach, enjoying the sun on my face and the cool breeze blowing through my hair. I stopped at one point to sit along the water, listening to the waves come in and out. I recorded a little bit so I could bring it back with me :o) I rode the bike into another part of town I had never been. I saw so many things!! Men wore their speedos, women walked their dogs, friends met for lunch at a restaurant overlooking the sea, and others enjoyed walks, jogs, and bike riding like me. There is a pier that reaches quite a ways into the sea. Some people walk out onto the large rocks to get closer to the water to fish or just sit. I climbed out myself to sit and read.

Later in the afternoon, I found a bench and sat to eat my lunch. Then I read again. I continued to ride throughout the city, back through more familiar parts :o) When I made it back home, I was greeted by Greta's "Hello!" I was out of breath from walking myself and the bike up the hill, but was so excited to see her, as well as Monica and Nicole. They had finished lunch, and the girls were working on their homework. After homework, I worked with Nicole on a website that had English flashcards ... She is a smart girl! Nicole had volleyball and Greta invited a friend over to play, so we took off to town.

We went grocery shopping while in town ... There are so many different cheeses!! Haha! Monica filled up our basket with so many great things, fresh fruit, veggies, yogurt, cheese, and bread. One of the neatest things I saw at the grocery store was this machine that printed barcodes for produce customers select for purchase. There are numbers for each vegetable and fruit in the store. When you bag what you want to buy, you take it to the scale, push the number of produce you have in the bag ... The machine weighs and prints a sticker for you with the item, cost, and barcode. Greta and her friend, Georgia, were a big help with this task :o)

Tonight, I stayed home with Greta and Georgia while Monica went to her spinning class. The girls played with dolls, watched a video, and colored, so without need to entertain, I spent the evening reading! When Monica and Nicole got home, we had dinner. I'm not sure what she called it, but it had meat and beans (great flavor!!) with green beans and potatos as a side.

Today was a wonderful day! I enjoy getting out and seeing things on my own, but really enjoy the time I get to spend doing every day things with the family. I also got a used phone with a prepaid card so I can be in touch with Monica throughout the day. It will be useful when she is out running errands and I am not at the house and informed :o)

I was thinking about the adventure I had today and wanting to continue to have adventures. There are many places in Italy I would like to visit, but not sure about the cost of traveling and the journey on my own ... I'm in prayer about how I will spend the next few months here. I'm as happy as a pig in mud to be spending this time in such a beautiful city! The things to come are exciting! Thank you for sharing this with me and taking the time to read the silly things I write :oP LoL

Grace and peace,

Sunday, September 26, 2010

beautiful day with the family

Today was such a beautiful day outside ... The sun was out, there was a cool breeze, and no rain in sight.

This morning, Monica woke me up and asked if I wanted to have breakfast with them ... I had slept through my 9:00 alarm, because I thought we were going to church at 10:00. I told Monica I would be right down, and I rushed to get dressed, fix my hair, and get some make-up on I have been avoiding for the past week :oP

When I came downstairs, the family was still in their p.j.'s haha! They had things out on the table for breakfast, mostly crackers and bread with marmalade, nutella, and ... PEANUT BUTTER!! Yesterday at the meeting in Tuscany, Monica talked with someone who had peanut butter and they gave it to her!! It's a small jar (not like the huge amounts we have in the United States lol), but it's peanut butter :oD I was so excited this morning, and Monica said we should be able to find it somewhere.

After breakfast, we made a few stops ... One along the beach and one to pick up tortellini for lunch. Then it was off to church! The service had already started when we arrived. I took in the atmosphere and faces of those around me. Since I didn't understand what was being said, I did a lot of people watching. There was a lot of reading off something and then the congregation would recite what seemed like they have all memorized. There was little expression among the faces I saw, except that of remorse ... There was little joy in the sanctuary. When it was time for communion (we watched the priest take communion and then some of the leaders had bread disks ... styrophome ... for the congregation), I saw Sergio go up, but Monica stayed seated. She asked if I took communion in our church, and I said yes. I asked why she was not going up and she told me it was because it has been a long time since she has confessed. I told her she doesn't need to confess to a priest to be able to take communion, and I tried to explain that in our church we repent from our sins to God and communion is for all believers. She said she liked our beliefs better and we got up together to take communion. I can't wait to share more with her. I want to share how much joy one can have in the Lord!! Pray for opportunities!!

When we got home, Sergio and Monica made lunch. The rest of the afternoon was spent doing work around the house. I took the opportunity to walk around the neighborhood in the beautiful weather and soak up the sun rays :o) There was also time spent reading on the porch. We went again to the cinema ... Sergio took the girls to see Cats and Dogs, and Monica and I saw Eat, Pray, Love (in Italian lol). From what I could understand, which was minimum, I liked the film. It was awesome seeing places in Rome that I have been :oD As I sat through the movie, especially the parts where she was in Italy, God put on my heart that I should really start taking in the moments I have here. It's still surreal that I'm in Italy ... Instead of wishing for time to fly by, I'm going to take the time I'm given to truly live!! Seeing the film was good for me today :o) ... Great way to celebrate my first week in Italy!!

Afterwards, we walked in a part of the city I have never been. The girls got some pizza. We met up with Monica's boss, Marco, and another woman from work, who was celebrating her 50th birthday. It was an opportunity for good conversation :o)

What I learned today:
There is peanut butter somewhere in Italy!! :oD
If you buy fish, buy it on Tuesday or Friday ... That's when the boats come back into the harbor and it is fresh.

Sorry for two posts in one day :oP I wanted to get caught up ... hopefully not to fall behind again lol

Grace and peace,

September 25 (Saturday)

Still catching up!! :o)

Saturday morning, Monica and I were going to go into town and shop around; however, when I went downstairs after hearing that she and Sergio were home, she told me she had to leave for her meeting in Tuscany earlier than expected (it takes 4 hours by car to get there). I still wanted to go to town, so I took off on foot ... She gave me an umbrella because it had been raining earlier and told me, "Don't talk to strangers!" :o) I couldn't make any promises with that one.

It drizzled a little, but soon I was able to put the umbrella away because the Lord brought the sun out just for my walk :o) I went in and out of a few shops looking for gifts and a few items I needed to pick up. I like paying with Euros ... They have pretty paper money! The grocery store I went into was small, but had just about everything I could think to need ... except peanut butter!! :oP Monica said they do not have peanut butter in Italy ... Noooooo! haha

When I got back from town, Sergio had already set the table for lunch and went to get the girls from school. I grabbed my book and went onto the pattio to read. The family arrived and Greta came outside with her drawing board and we proceeded to have English/Italian lessons. It was so great!! She initiated the activity for us :o) We had a wonderful lunch ... Pasta, of course!

After lunch, Sergio's parents brought wood to store for the winter months. I had a chance to sit in my room, listen to music and just relax (the rain from the morning had returned ... So thankful for the sun I got during my walk!). Later in the afternoon, Sergio, the girls, and I went into town to run a few errands. We went to Sergio's Aunt Maria's apartment, then we went to his parent's apartment where I played an Italian card game with the girls that I did not understand, but gave my best effort ;o) Luckily, they knew another card game translated to "Black Man" in English ... It is what we call Old Maid. I was the Black Man.

We went for a quick dinner at a pizza parlor, then rushed to the cinema. The family gets in free for any movie they want to see because Monica worked for the company that built the theater. They chose an Italian film ... hmmm, quite inappropriate for the girls and other children I saw in the theater. It was actually inappropriate for every person in the theater to see. Not quite sure the rating.

When we returned to the house, Monica was still not home from her meeting. I got on skype and talked with Mom, Callie, and Tristan :o) Great way to end the evening!!

God has been gracious to grant me an opportunity to experience Italy with this family. I'm thankful for their hospitality and taking me with them on family outings :o) ... I'll ask what film we are going to see before we leave the house in the future lol

What I learned:
Children are not required by law to wear their seatbelts in the back. Not so safe with the aggresive Italian driving on the road.

Grace and peace,

Saturday, September 25, 2010

La Questura ...

September 24

In the morning, I went with Monica to the questura ... police station. We were told we needed to make a declaration of presence and declaration of hospitality. For some strange reason, I completely bipassed customs at the airport. I just followed the rest of the passengers to the baggage claim area. There was nothing that I saw I needed to go through. At first I thought I would go through some kind of check point after I got my bag, but leaving without my bag I went straight outside and saw Monica. So, I guess I snuck in Italy :oD Now they found me out! haha

When we got back to the house, Monica took off again for her spinning class and I stayed home and read. She came back afterwards and we left to pick up Nicole for volleyball practice. I ran into a familiar face at the gym!! Tatiana (I believe I've been getting her name wrong lol, I thought it was Judita) was there to take her daughter, Victoria. While Nicole was playing volleyball, we went to a shop in town to buy a gift for a child. There were so many cute little clothes!! So stylish :o) Must be why I get strange looks walking down the street ... Italians have style, of which I am lacking.

Sergio made it home from his week of working in Bari, which is south of San Benedetto. It was great meeting him and the girls were glad he was home! Monica and Sergio had dinner plans with people from Monica's work, so the girls and I stayed home. Sergio's mother came over because the girls are not too comfortable staying home alone with me for fear they may need something and wouldn't be able to communicate it to me. We had hamburgers, green peas, and chips (french fries). Monica asked why we called them french fries, and I said I had no idea :o) When Monica and Sergio left, I played Monopoli (in Italian) with Greta while Nicole watched Camp Rock 2 (in Italian, but the songs were in English!! lol). Greta beat me both times ... She doesn't quite understand concepts of money, so I got ripped off ;o)

While playing Monopoli, I got on skype and talked with Kaci, Chelsea, and Carlee!!! It was sooooo great to see their faces!! They asked for a tour of the house, so I took my computer around and explained everything, but I lost signal on the top floor so they didn't get to see my room ... I'll have to take pictures. I told them to call Tristan and tell him to get near a computer! I got to talk with him last night too :oD What a blessing to have skype over here!! I kept losing signal with Megan, but we will try again at a later time :o)

If you have skype, search my name and add me as a contact so we can talk!!

Thank you for all your prayers!! Getting out and about helps, because just sitting around leaves too much time for thinking about how alone I am over here. Hoping for more days of sun instead of rain so I can continue to ride Monica's bicycle down to the beach.

What I've learned:
There are two toilets in all bathrooms in this house. I only know how to work one. To flush it, there are two buttons above it on the wall (Not quite sure the difference between the two, so I randomly choose which one to push each time lol). The other toilet is not a urinal ... It's one used to clean down there, and I can't remember what she called it. Haven't attempted ... Kind of intimidating.

Grace and peace,
Jodi B

Friday, September 24, 2010


:o) I enjoy reading your comments!! I'm glad you like reading what I write ... It's all from the heart.

So I didn't get a chance to write last night ... Here is from September 23rd :o)

Yesterday was okay. I woke up the earliest I have since being in San Benedetto. Each morning, I am the only one here, so I feel like I have ample time to get ready and get into the Word. God has been speaking to me a lot through the book of Psalms. It is a comfort and a joy to read the words of David (and others) who are crying out to God during so many different times in their lives. They recognize that it is God who they need, and no one else can fill us like He can. This is truth for all of us. There are so many things we use to fill our lives with that we believe will make us happy. But these things are temporary happiness. In my mind, I believe I would be happier if I were back home in the comfort of the familiar. God is telling me this is not truth. My happiness comes from Him. I'm learning to find my peace and happiness solely from my Father. I'm learning. These days have been a little hard finding joy in being here when I want to be somewhere else.

I didn't go to town yesterday because I was expecting Monica and the girls home earlier, but they didn't come until later in the afternoon. Monica has a few English books in the house, so I picked up A Thousand Splendid Suns. So far it is awfully sad, but intriguing and I want to finish it while I'm here.

When Monica came home, I told her I had gotten word from my mom that the airline had called about my luggage. They had tried to deliver it to the house, but saw 'Buswell' listed with the Italian family's address on my form I filled out at the airport and because it didn't match, they didn't think it was right. Thankfully, they were keeping it in town close by. Monica took me and the girls to pick it up. I was so excited to have it in my possession!! It made me want to do a happy dance :oD I think having my luggage has made it better being here LoL. Strange as it may sound, there is something about having my own clothes and personal belongings that make staying here seem more like home. I'm thankful!

Last night for dinner, Monica made zucchini soup(strange, but really good), fried chicken (yes, she fried it herself), Greek salad, and these fried green olives stuffed with fish (most of the time they have meat not fish), which is a dish that is popular with this region only (I'm not a fan of olives, but I gave them a try :oP).  I enjoy the the family sitting down every night for dinner!! Although I cannot understand what they are sharing most of the time, I think it is a great tradition to keep.

What I've learned, not necessarily yesterday ;o)
In Italy, businesses open around 8 a.m. and stay open through 1 p.m. Then they close from 1 p.m. to around 3:30 or 4 p.m. in order for them to go home and eat lunch with their families.
The school system is also very different from ours in the states. Children go to school from 8 a.m. to 12 p.m. Monday through Saturday. If their parents are not able to pick them up at that time, they have another school that is like ours M-F 8-3 or 4.

Grace and peace,

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

I like to ride my bicycle

Not having an alarm does not help if you dont want to sleep in past a certain time ... However, Monica and I usually dont get to bed until close to midnight each day, so Im getting my rest in :oP I dont see how she is able to get up every morning to get the girls ready for school and then get to work!

This morning/afternoon I stayed around the house. I made some breakfast, same old eggs and toast, and then put on a new pair of jeans that Monica gave me. (She had a bag of clothes that she was going to be giving away that dont fit her anymore. She let me go through them to see what fits ... The Lord provides in His time. Im learning ... but I would still like to have my luggage sometime this week.) I was able to spend some good time in the Word. The Lord led me to the Psalms which provided great comfort and strength during a time when I was feeling down. I checked my email and facebook, which was great because I was able to talk to my fiancee!!!

When Monica and Nicole got home, I finished up on the computer and when to watch Wizards of Waverly Place on T.V. with Nicole ... in Italian, of course. She switched it over to English for me, but I told her to switch it back (much more enjoyable for her lol). Then I got to meet Sergio's mother. She is a very sweet lady! She did not speak any English. One of the things I love about the Italian culture is the way they great one another with a kiss on both cheeks :o)

In the evening, Monica had to take Nicole to volleyball practice, and she took me to her mother's house to pick up her bicycle! I rode it from her mother's house to the beach!!! I walked along the beach with my camera and picked up shells and rocks to take home. (I found some good ones, Callie!!) Then I peddled my way back to my Italian home, but I had to walk once I got to their huge hill ... Its quite a challenge!!

Monica cooked dinner for the family, as she does every night. Tonight she baked fish (I dont remember what kind she said it was). It was covered in a tomato sauce with olive oil, garlic, and rosemary. I think Monica goes to the store every single day because there are always fresh ingredients! Im amazed :o) Monica's mother came over tonight for dinner. She was sweet, and like Sergio's mother, she did not speak any English. It is funny that even though we dont speak the same language, there are things or sayings that we can both understand and laugh about them. Im thankful for laughter!!

There were so many good things to happen today! More recently, I think about how bad things are here simply because Im not near people I love and the familiar, but God continues to show me happiness through the little things, and blessings He gives me each and every day. Im so thankful I was able to talk with Tristan, my mom, and other friends on facebook chat :oD Im so encouraged by people from back home who are praying for me! I know God has a purpose for me being here; although, sometimes it may be hard for me to see. 

I cant wait to post pictures of the Adriatic Sea I touched today!! So blue!! I hope to go back again each day to read while the weather stays nice :o)

What I learned today:
The cars in Italy are small. The streets of San Benedetto are narrow. The sidewalks are for pedestrians only. With parked cars on both sides of the street, it doesnt leave much room for one to ride their bicycle ... but it is done that way! So imagine me (not the most coordinated bike rider in the world, but I do enjoy it), getting my bike-riding bearings about me and already intimidated by the fact I know Im going to be riding inches away from moving vehicles ... I walk the bike to the corner, and try to get on. Ha! Fail ... Not sure what happened, but I kind of fell over to the other side, catching myself with my foot. I dont think anyone saw :oP It was a most enjoyable ride once I got used to riding in between cars. I followed more experienced riders as they rode in between cars so they didnt have to stop at the lights. Thankfully, there are green lanes on the road down by the beach for bike riders ... Much more spacious!! No worries, I made it back to the house without injuring myself or anyone's car!! :oD Cant wait to try it again tomorrow!!

Im thankful for this opporunity; however, it is proving to be difficult at times to be away from the familiar. I know there is much to learn here. The Lord is good and He has not left me here in Italy alone.

Grace and peace,

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

a long walk

I went to bed at a decent time last night, but without an alarm, my body decided to sleep in until 12:30!! I went downstairs, saw the clock and couldnt believe it. Monica and the girls were already out and about for the day. I had my first American meal this morning ... scrambled eggs and toast with marmalade. (Italians dont keep eggs in the refridgerator both at home and the store ... Is that sanitary??) I wanted to leave the house but was afraid I would do something wrong with the alarm. Thankfully Monica returned home to go for a jog and explained how to get back in after she set the alarm. Carrying a pen and paper (to write down the street names so I wouldnt get lost on my way back), I took off down the winding and very steep hill to the streets of San Benedetto del Tronto. On Tuesday and Friday mornings, there is a market open on the square ... I was late getting up, so by the time I got there they were already cleaning up. So I continued to the beach.

The Adriatic Sea is so blue!! Monica is going to let me borrow her bicycle so I can go on longer trips down to the beach. I reached the sea, but not where the sand is. I walked around the boats and these large rocks along the edge. The rocks have been sculpted by different artists. There are some pretty interesting ones!!

The rest of the afternoon seemed to fly by as soon as I got back to the house. One of the Italian coordinators for the language program came by to give me a few items for reference, I had some time with the girls to teach them English (we sang, "Head, Shoulders, Knees, and Toes"), and we had dinner. There were many choices of things to eat tonight ... Left over pizza, zucchini stuffed with meat, gnocchi covered in cheese and tomato sauce, carrots in tomato sauce, and bread. After dinner, Monica's boss came over and brought some gelato!! Many different flavors and they were all so good :oD They put whisky on their ice cream?! It was very different ... Monica said it brings out the flavor. Hmmm, I think it just makes the gelato taste like whisky.

What I learned today:
When I asked Monica if she could tell an Italian just based on their appearance without hearing them talk, she said she can usually based on their shoes ... and style of clothing. I find this interesting because when I went on my walk today, people would look down at my shoes first and then the rest of my outfit ... My choice of shoes: toms. I dont think Italians have ever seen them before haha. I wonder if they know Im American based on my shoes ...
There is no microwave in this house; The toaster doesn't go down, you just set the timer; Im not sure I really know how to use flush the toilet :o)

All is well on this end!! Im thankful for the things Im learning and the conversations Ive had. Thank you for your prayers, please continue.

Grace and peace,

Monday, September 20, 2010

I made it to Italy!

It was so hard packing for a three month stay in Italy ... What is the weather going to be like? Will I be traveling a lot? Should I pack a bigger jacket? Too many questions and I continued packing until I walked out the door Saturday morning.
Honestly, I didn't want to leave. I knew it would be hard saying goodbye to everyone, and then remember the entire flight over that three months is a long time. Thankfully, the Lord has been my source of comfort ... I know there will be days that I don't want to get out of bed or just cry, but He has me here for a reason and I want to be obedient. Please be in prayer that I will not only be obedient, but I will be bold as well.
For the most part, the flights went well. I met some great people!! A mother and daughter from Monteray, Mexico were traveling to Europe to spend 5 weeks traveling. Her husband is from Greece, and works over there off and on. Their daughter is Mexican and Greek ... What a great combination!! Plus, she is trilingual!! It was neat hearing their stories :o)
My flight from Houston, TX to Amsterdam was late taking off because we had to change planes. Not a bad wait, but when we got to Amsterdam I had less than 45 min to find my connecting flight :oP I was running like a mad woman through the airport asking for help and standing in line for people to check my bags then my passport. I made it with no time to spare. The woman at the gate didn't even have time to print a boarding pass.
The nice old Italian man that looked like Albert Einstein (no joke, the white hair and everything!) sitting beside me was nice to talk with ... He also made note that if I was almost late getting on the plane that my luggage most likely didn't make it. He was right.
I've been in the same clothes for too long. No worries, I was able to shower in the host family's apartment in Rome. The airline customer service also gave me a "care package" ... I got a new white shirt! :o) Today I went and bought some clothes at the store. Can anyone guess what color my new shirt is?! ;o)
Rome was absolutely amazing yesterday!! I was so tired, but all the things I had dreamed of seeing were right in front of me!! I will post pictures as soon as I get my adapter/converter plugs in my luggage.
The family is great ... Monica has been so kind. The girls Nicola and Greta are sweet. I can tell that Nicola really wants to learn; Greta is a different story :o) She's a handful! I have not met the dad, Sergio, yet because he works out of town during the week. I did speak with him over video phone when I landed yesterday.
Today we traveled to San Benedetto del Tronto ... Beautiful! The water is blue, the sand is white, and there are people all over the city. I can't wait to get out and see more.
What I have learned about Italy so far:
Italians are absolutely, positively crazy drivers!!
Italians like coffee (cappachinos and lattes, not American coffee all the time) ... all throughout the day. They have very small servings, but they go and order their drink, then stand at a table to drink and leave.
And yes, pasta, pasta, and more pasta!!
Sorry this is so long ... I enjoy sharing and  I hope you enjoy reading :o)
Please pray that I will not continue counting down the days until I leave. Three months seems like a very long time and I already want it to be over.
Grace and peace,