Friday, October 29, 2010

Hello, Kitchen!!

Yesterday I got to cook some American food for the family for dinner :o) It was great to be back in the kitchen and serve something familiar up ... Although, it was challenging to improvise with some ingredients.

I couldn't decide what to make, so I created a menu with many different dished I want to prepare at some point. Then, I let Monica choose. She really wants to try pancakes lol. Sergio and Monica spent their honeymoon in New York and then L.A. but they never went to an IHOP!! Monica said she has seen pancakes on TV and movies, and they look really good :o) But that's not what she choose ... We're going to save that one for later. Our first American dish was Lemon Herb Chicken with a side of steamed broccoli, and twice baked potatoes. 

It all turned out great and the family truly enjoyed it all! When I put everything on the table, Monica asked if I had put any oil on the broccoli. I said, "In America, we don't use olive oil like you do here" in a very loving way with a smile on my face. She laughed and said she wanted to eat true American food ... However, she still put olive oil on the cauliflower we also had haha. The potatoes tasted great but looked really bad, because in Italy they don't have the good Idaho spuds with the thicker skin :o) From now on, I'll be cooking once a week at least.

A great story from Thursday happened after lunch ... Nicole asked Sergio, "May I use the computer?" (We've been working on the "May I" questions) Sergio answered, "No, you mayn't." The no part was a joke, but I'm not sure about the mayn't ... Which when you think of it makes perfect sense because we say, "No, you can't" ... Haha!! We should all start saying "mayn't" :oD

Today was absolutely beautiful!! The sun was out and the weather was so nice I didn't even need a thick jacket. Tristan told me yesterday that customs was holding his package and it has been in Italy for 3 days and I needed to inquire why it wasn't being delivered. So I took off on the bike into town to inquire at the post office. I forgot it was Friday and there was the market!! I stopped at one booth on my way because they were selling finger nail polish, and I told Nicole I would buy her pink and green :o) The guy helping asked where I was from, and I said United States, Texas.

At the post office, they make you take a number, but the letters corresponding to the numbers have to do with what business you have there ... Well, I push one of the four buttons based on what service I thought I was there for. The line was long and I was waiting and waiting. So ... I went back to the ticket machine and pushed two other buttons (one of the letters was going faster than the others, so I wanted to increase my chances of moving up in the line lol) ... For the next few minutes I felt like I was playing bingo :oD The lady behind the counter gave me a number to call to inquire about my package since I didn't have any of the shipping information with me at that time. I went back around the market looking at some great things, but no buying. I saw Vivianna (the pregnant woman who speaks English) and her husband, Antonio. It was great to see her and meet her husband.

Spent some good time with Greta this afternoon. She wanted me to come upstairs with her while she packed some goodies. We had a good time :o) Tristan's package came this afternoon!! What an answer to prayer! The girls have been helping me put together the puzzle that was in the package ... There are many pieces which makes it difficult, but it has made for good time with the girls.

Tonight, Sergio made homemade pizza!! It was delicious!! ... 4 different kinds: Margherita (basic tomato sauce and mozzarella cheese), olive oil and onion, olive oil with fresh chopped tomatoes and buffalo mozzarella cheese, and olive oil with mozzarella cheese and hotdog (for the girls lol). I told Sergio and Monica I need to get that pizza dough recipe from them before I leave :o)

I love you all so much and I miss you!!

Tomorrow morning we are heading to Tuscany, God-willing. I cannot wait!! I have longed for this weekend since I knew it was a possibility that we would get to go :o) Please pray for our trip.

Grace and peace,

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