Monday, December 6, 2010

Parmesan Cheese and Lots of Water

The family had been planning on a weekend trip to Parma for the past few weeks, but due to Greta not feeling well and Monica translating a contract in English to Italian, the trip was delayed. We made it to Parma the last weekend in November. Sergio has always wanted to go, so he planned everything. I was excited about the trip because Parma is where Parmesan cheese originated, along with a type of prosciutto that is sweeter than what we find here in San Benedetto. The hotel room we stayed in was so cool! It was two stories … The top floor had the master bedroom where Sergio and Monica slept, and the girls and I were downstairs on the sofa sleeper and an extra bed. In Parma, we saw Duomo di Parma which is next to the Parma Cathedral. The cathedral is beautiful and huge! Inside there are paintings everywhere, but the famous one is Assumption by Antonio da Correggio.
We met one of Sergio’s colleagues from work in the evening to have dinner. They tried to get us into Teatro Farnese, a famous theater, but there was a performance that night, and there was no way we were getting in. We ate at a very neat restaurant where they served the sweet prosciutto and of course Parmesan cheese. Our table was the only table in the room where the man was that cut the meats and cheese for the appetizer plates. Monica and I wondered what he thought about while he cut meat and prepared the plates … When Monica asked him, he told us he thought about how much longer until he got off work. That’s what we guessed, or we thought he may be thinking about the concert he went to last night :oD
The next morning as we went to breakfast, it started snowing!! We spent the morning and afternoon walking around Parma in the snow … Good thing I was prepared :o) Driving back home was long because of all the snow, but the girls and I had such a great time! Greta had to study for school, but when she was finished we played Connect 4, listened to music, battled it out in thumb wars, and danced! Haha, I laughed so hard at one of Greta’s moves that I spit my gum out! I had no idea where it went … Nicole’s pants found it :oP Luckily, it didn’t stick :oD

I took my first trip out of San Benedetto alone … Where did I go? Five hours away by train to one of the most unique places in the world, Venice (Venezia to the locals). Sergio helped me so much getting ready to go! He helped me find hotels, buy my train ticket, and gave me a map and a book that told me all the places I should visit … I went by the number of stars the places had because the descriptions were in Italian :o)
How do I even begin to describe my time in Venice? It was absolutely beautiful! I didn’t mind the rain and cold too much because I was so excited about seeing everything! I was very blessed to have been able to borrow Nicole’s rain boots, because without them I would have been very wet! The streets flood easily (as I found out the day after I left) and if you don’t have rain boots you have to go the long way around. Such an intriguing place is Venice … no cars or bicycles or anything on wheels, really. I liked it a lot! I didn’t need to bring my dictionary because Venice is such a tourist destination that I met plenty of people that spoke English. It was great going on such an adventure, but I realized how much I don’t like being alone at the end of the day. It’s nice to have someone to share things with.
I tried to take as many pictures as possible. They are not all on Facebook, but I put up some that I thought would give a good idea of what I saw; although, there is just no way to describe everything.

It was nice to be back at the house with the family :o) Two weeks until I begin my journey back to the states. I can’t believe the time has gone by this fast … Last month it seemed like it would be forever until December came, and now the 18th will be here before I know it. How to spend the last few weeks in Italy? I know I’m going to take in every moment. I have been enjoying the girls so much! We are really growing closer :o) Last night we went to the cinema to see the new Repunzel movie (Super cute! I didn’t understand everything, but I was laughing a lot!). On the ride there, Greta didn’t sit in her seat, she preferred my lap (children do not wear their seat belts when they sit in the back). We sang “Jingle Bells,” (which she had to learn for school), laughed, and had a good time! Sergio and Monica went to see the new Woody Allen movie, but I went with the girls. I sat between them … Nicole reached out and held my hand. I’m going to miss them so very much!!

This weekend we also put up the Christmas tree and nativity scene! When we got home from the cinema last night, I was admiring how beautiful the living room looked. I saw the nativity and then noticed that Jesus was missing. I said, “Baby Jesus is missing!” It seemed like the girls were looking for him, but didn’t seem concerned that he wasn’t there. From the kitchen, Monica said, “He’s in the stall.” I looked at Nicole with a confused look on my face, and she told me, “It’s not time.” Let us always remember the coming of the Savior into the world. He has come. His death and sacrifice has paid the penalty of all our sins … How can we forget? How can we live our lives any way other than completely for the One who gave everything for us?
I’m thankful for this family. I’m thankful for the things God has been revealing to me and teaching me over the past couple of months. What an experience that I will never forget!

Grace and peace,

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